
With the automated upgrading and downgrading features you can upgrade or downgrade your products and packages from the client area.

When you place an upgrade or downgrade order, you will receive a refund of whatever you haven't used of the current cycle on the existing product or service. You will then be charged for the remainder of the cycle at the new product's or service's price. The next due date doesn't change.

Old Product/Service
Price Per Day * Number of days until next due date = Amount Credited

New Product/Service
Price Per Day * Number of days until next due date = Amount Debited

Total Payable Today = Amount Debited - Amount Credited

In order to place an upgrade or downgrade order, you have to login to the client area, navigate to the Services >> My Services section, click to view the full details for the product or service you wish to manage, and then select the options to either upgrade the Package or upgrade the Configurable Options such as disk space, domain names and or backups.

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